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Welcome to Lyfe Support!

(Please watch our introduction video)

Why Lyfe Support? 

Judy's Short Story

Meet Judy!  Judy lives alone in New York.


Judy's three sons live in Hawaii with their families.

Judy misses her family and wishes she weren’t so far away.


Judy's family registered her for
Lyfe Support so that she doesn't feel lonely. 

Each month, Judy receives a postcard, thoughtful text messages, and a package filled with items that bring back memories of her childhood, along with things that reflect her interests and hobbies.


Judy also receives holiday and birthday gifts.

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Now, Judy has a new emotional connection through Lyfe Support and feels seen, heard, and loved. While she still misses her family, the days aren't as dark or lonely. 


- The End -

Lyfe Support Gift Box Examples

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